A Modernized Approach to Crossbreeding

Select Sires provides numerous strategies for breeding profitable cows, including crossbreeding. Based on years of experience, the SelectCROSS approach focuses on a structured, three-breed rotation incorporating elite genetics from major breeds that complement each other to maximize heterosis and produce profitable cows. The SelectCROSS program utilizes three of the largest breeds in the world for genetic development: Holstein, Jersey and Montbeliarde.

Genetic Partnership 

Select Sires is proud to partner exclusively with Eva Jura, who manages the Montbéliarde JB selection program, to bring you quality genetics and make the most of your crossbreeding program. This partnership strongly aligns with sources that are dedicated, sustaining and continuously progressing.



The Montbeliarde Breed 

Crossbreeding is gaining momentum and the Montbeliarde breed is leading this trend. Native of Jura plateau from the eastern part of France, the Montbeliarde breed belongs to the European branch of Pie Rouge breeds. Subjected to an adverse and changing climate, the breed has become hardy and strong so these cattle can adapt well to any environment. Montbeliarde cows offer the perfect balance of function and health with longevity.

A professional photo of a Montbeliarde cow

Three-Breed Rotation 

Based on years of experience and research, we recommend that dairy operations planning a crossbreeding program, focus on a structured, three-breed rotation with elite genetics from major breeds to maximize heterosis: Holstein, Jersey and Montbeliarde.

Contact a Representative

Contact your member cooperative to begin developing a crossbreeding program for your herd. 


A good Holstein base, made by selecting high-quality Holstein genetics, is critical for crossbreeding to be a success. When choosing Holstein sires, I choose the very best. You also have to use the best genetics available from each breed in the crossbreeding rotation after that.


-New Heights Dairy, Rice, Minn.


Why Jersey on Holstein?
  • Reduction in Mature Size
  • Improved Components
  • Improved Reproduction Efficiency
  • Improved Calving Ability
  • Improved Feed Efficiency
  • Improved Productive Life
  • A Large Genetic Base

The Jersey breed excels in calving ability, reproduction efficiency, milk solids and Productive Life. Our sire analysts recommend crossbreeding programs that use only herd-registered bulls to obtain the full hybrid vigor and incorporate Jersey sires with extreme Jersey Udder Index (JUI). When working with proven Jersey sires our experts encourage you to select customer-satisfaction sires. We also have in-house data that suggests there is an above average conception rate when using gender SELECTED semen in this process.


Why Montbeliarde sires on Holstein x Jersey crossbreeds? 
  • Maintain Moderate Mature Stature
  • Improved Reproduction
  • Improved Body Condition
  • Improved Feet and Legs
  • Improved Mastitis Resistance
  • Improved Productive Life
  • Increased Pounds of Fat and Protein
  • Increased Value of dairy beef calves
  • A Large Genetic Base

Crossing with the Montbeliarde will bring higher protein levels, fertility and shorter calving intervals, udder quality, longevity and hardiness (with high feed efficiency).

According to research done in California, using Montbeliarde sires on Holstein cows created extra body condition, which may explain the outstanding performance for fertility compared with pure Holstein cows.

Native of Jura plateau from the eastern part of France, the Montbeliarde breed belongs to the European branch of Pie Rouge breeds. Subjected to an adverse and changing climate, the Montbeliarde breed has become hardy and strong so these cattle can adapt well to any environment. Montbeliarde cows offer the perfect balance between function and health with longevity.


Is there data to prove that crossbreeding is beneficial?


Select Sires has supported a 10-year crossbreeding study with the University of Minnesota comparing the performance of three-breed rotational cross cows to purebred Holsteins (ProCROSS). The recently published study shows crossbreeding to be a viable breeding strategy. Profit per day for the Montbeliarde-sired three-way cross cows was $0.51 higher than pure Holsteins or a difference of +13 percent. The Viking Red three-way cross cows had $0.17 higher profit/day than pure Holsteins, which was +4 percent. Averaging these results shows that the three-way cross cows generated 9 percent higher profit/day. The higher profit/day was a result of heterosis and a combination of better fertility, health and longevity in the crossbred cows.