ProfitMAX is Select Sires’ comprehensive service program. By incorporating the cooperative’s many genetic and reproductive tools into a customizable plan for each dairy, ProfitMAX service professionals work with you to achieve long-term profitability from your genetic decisions. An audit of each participating dairy’s reproductive records, cow and heifer inventories, as well as evaluation of each animal’s genetic value are considered using proprietary inventory calculators to determine the best possible genetic pairing. This will maximize profits in the next generation to meet each herd’s individual goals so the dairy not only survives but thrives well into the future.

It’s Driven by Your Goals.

Enrolling your herd begins with a genetic consultation, where our team of industry experts will develop an understanding of your operation, identify your needs, discuss challenges and work with you to establish goals to lead your operation into the future.

It’s Focused on Your Future.

We understand that profit is important, but we also know that what drives your operation is the passion you have for your family, your farm, and your future. That passion propels you forward and is at the core of everything you do. Your Success is Our Passion, too.

It’s Customized for Your Operation.

For more than 50 years Select Sires has worked with producers of every size to maximize performance and profit in their operations. We realize no two operations are the same. ProfitMAX offers customized strategies to solve the unique challenges of your operation.

It Adds Genetic Value.

The genetic decisions you make today will impact your herd for generations to come. A customized ProfitMAX breeding strategy, based on your goals, will improve your bottom line and increase the genetic value of your herd.

It’s Backed by Support You Can Trust.

As our industry evolves, there’s more data and information to consider, and seemingly less time than ever before. Our experts want to bring more value to your operation by helping you discover profit opportunities and management strategies to secure a bright future.

Bringing it all together

ProfitMAX is about helping you engineer genetic strategies to maximize profit in your operation. ProfitMAX is driven by your goals, focused on your future, customized to your operation, adds genetic value to your herd and, most importantly, is backed by the industry's leading experts in genetics and reproduction.

Contact a Representative

To learn more about ProfitMAX or enroll your herd, contact the Select Sires member cooperative in your area.


If we’re only worried about tomorrow or next week, we’re not going to be in business in a year or 10 years. Our goal is to be a profitable operation for several decades. If you don’t have the foresight to set goals, there might not be future opportunities.
- Chad Carlson, Carlson Dairy, Pennock, MinN.


Select Sires tailored their services to fit my needs and to align with the reproductive and genetic goals of my operation.
- Dean Smith, D and D Dairy, Rushford, MINN.


We know that using the best available sires is the only way to meet our goals for the future. We consider it an investment that will more than pay for itself.
- Chad Carlson, Carlson Dairy, Pennock, MINN.


Select Sires in an important part of the team here at Landwehr Dairy. They have been here when we needed them. No question is too insignificant, and no issue is too big. They are always willing to help!
 - Theresa Galvan, Landwehr Dairy, Watkins, MINN.