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Are you ready for change? Although it's not a new concept, Polled genetics may have a greater role of importance as we embrace new animal welfare standards. Leveraging Polled genetics offers opportunity to reduce costs, time spent training employees and avoid lulls in calf growth.


The Power of Polled Genetics

Are you ready for change? Although it’s not a new concept, Polled genetics may have a greater role of importance as we embrace new animal welfare standards.




A Global Perspective on Disbudding

Polled genetics are being encouraged globally through the implementation of new animal welfare practices and standards. While new to the United States, requirement of anesthesia has already been mandatory for animals over six weeks of age in Germany for over a decade through the Animal Welfare Act (2010).



Leveraging Polled Genetics as a

Management Tool

Calves are known to have periods of stress following disbudding where reduced consumption of feed and sluggish behavior occurs. Leveraging Polled genetics provides an opportunity to remove this period of stress and allows developing calves to continue growth without lulls.



Avoid Standstills in your Genetic Advancement

With Select Sires' current Polled genetic offering you can add the Polled gene to your herd without losing sight of other genetic targets. The available Polled sires have been developed with herd improvement in mind and many rank well in comparison to non-Polled options for indexes such as Herd Health Profit Dollars® (HHP$® ).

NAAB / Short Name HHP$®
7HO14132 LIBERTY-P+$546
7HO14160 LUSTER-P+$722
7HO14694 BANJO-P+$971
7HO15203 BOEING-P-RED+$796
7HO15790 ISON-P+$1,074
7HO15898 WINTERGREEN-P+$1,011
7HO16103 CHEW-P+$1,005
7HO16261 LILSMOOTH-P+$1,004
7HO16387 HANX-P+$853
7HO16493 HAKAN-P+$632
7HO16664 HUBERT-PP+$1,056
7HO16889 EVENT-P+$1,003
7HO16931 FROSTING-P+$928
7HO16965 LOYAL-P+$1,053
7HO17077 CRAZY TRAIN-PP+$942
7HO17088 LOOKOUT-PP+$917
7HO17101 KARMA-PP+$904
7HO17158 HOLY-P+$1,058
7HO17162 HALIANT-P+$964
7HO17249 CHIASSO-P+$1,139
7HO17255 REVERIE-P+$1,170
7HO17269 HALLDAY-P+$1,003
7HO17315 SAGE-P+$1,108
7HO17370 SNOWHARE-PP+$1,105
7HO17414 HANGLEN-PP+$998
7HO17666 KIHLA-P+$1,108
9HO16344 HOLLISTER-P-SS+$577
14HO15557 PLAYOFF-P+$696
14HO15929 CIRRUS-P+$1,037
14HO16102 CANDY-PP+$826
14HO16665 GLAZE-PP+$1,038
14HO16751 TRIP-PP+$987
14HO17016 PAGE-PP+$1,038
14HO17052 NELVIN-P+$1,104
14HO17081 DIABLO-P+$1,156
14HO17133 MADRID-P+$1,301
14HO17204 TWISTED-P+$1,343
14HO17389 FUTURIST-PP+$1,098
14HO17525 CHRISTAN-PP+$903
14HO17533 AZUL-P+$1,349
250HO15364 HALO-PP+$907
250HO15525 MCDONALD-P-RED+$778
250HO16388 HANSKE-P+$604
250HO16801 ALLGONE-PP+$998
250HO16801 HOWLAND-P+$1,281
250HO17074 BOOTSY-PP+$920
250HO17075 AKSHAY-P+$1,132
250HO17136 ENTHUSE-P+$1,146
250HO17144 DUGOUT-P+$1,243
250HO17152 CRUZ-PP+$1,059
250HO17202 BULLONEY-P+$1,205
250HO17297 HANTASTIC-P+$945
250HO17298 HABULOUS-P+$1,311
250HO17299 PANCREDIBLE-P+$1,124
250HO17302 BALDY-P+$1,054
250HO17394 ALMOND-PP+$1,008
250HO17395 A-TEAM-P+$1,080
250HO17420 CRUNCH-P+$1,076
250HO17531 OYSTER-P+$1,012
250HO17560 PARIAN-P+$896
744HO17072 HERITAGE-P+$586
744HO17073 HAZARD-PP+$530
744HO17422 KINGME-P+$606

NAAB / Short Name GPPR
9BS942 SAIGON P+138
9BS950 JAXSON P+169
NAAB / Short Name GPTI
9AY150 O'REILLY P+454
9AY151 GARNETT P+412
NAAB / Short Name GPTI
6GU130 SPARTA-P+88
NAAB / Short Name CFP
7XD14 UR JOE {0}-PP+106